Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Iron Man at the Dome
Mr. Cee spent his Friday at happy hour at Mojitos while I stayed at home waiting for the rental guy to drop off the chairs for tomorrow's event. I'm hosting PharmD and Chinaman's baby shower. So much prepping for a lil ol party.
Later that evening we met up w/ some friends to celebrate TexanLonghorn's bday by watching Iron Man opening day at the ArcLight. Thank goodness we pre-ordered our tix and scored some awesome reserved seats. No waiting in lines. I'm too old to be waiting in line for a flick. Ah, to be young again.
Someone got Texan an Iron Man t-shirt and we scored him an action figure. Of course we had him take an actual pic w/ the display. Of course I had to take in on the action.
They also displayed the Audi from the movie. Such a drool worthy car. One day. Le sigh.
The movie was awesome. When I first heard that Robert Downey Jr was playing a super hero, i scoffed at the idea. Well, I was proven wrong. Loved him and it was perfect. Very sassy in the movie. I won't spoil it for the rest of you but after seeing that movie, I don't know how I'm gonna watch the rest of the summer blockbusters. Oh and SpeedRacer looks like a candy coated explosion of lameness.
Posted by
2:45 PM
Posted by
12:06 PM
Thursday, April 03, 2008
I heard the most funniest thing while in puppy training last night. There was a 3 yo kid holding his mommy's hand walking through the store.
kid: Look horsey!
mom: No honey, that's a doggie.
kid: Horsey!
The kid was pointing at Brownie, the Doberman. I busted up laughing in the middle of class while the instructor was trying to teach Brownie to stay.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I'm behind on blogging. What else is new. Le sigh. I need to stop making friends. My wkends are now consisting of meeting w/ a friend to catch up, birthday party, wedding, some type of shower, or wedding.
Last Sat - I went to a wedding at New Capital.The centerpiece we brought home. 'nuff said.
Sun - baked Peanut Carob Isabooscoti for the pups and some blueberry muffins recommended by Karen.
The pups loved their treats. Every time I reached for them, they would do my bidding. Sorry the muffins aren't as pretty as tater's cupcakes but they were quite delish since this recipe consisted of NO butter or cinnamon. I'm still trying to figure it out but it tastes really moist. A lil on the oily side. Nevertheless still yum.
This past Sat - Get a phone call from grandma claiming that tomorrow is the Qingming Festival. Since I was meeting up w/ Kannie to plan Jannie's baby shower and then heading over to flower mart, I thought I could pick up some flowers for the offering. We spent the morning looking for flowers to be displayed on our desks. Flowers just makes the week work mucho better.
Later on that evening we attended Jessica + Wilson's engagement party at Universal Hilton. It's where Mr. Cee and I got married at. The engagement party was like a wedding consisting of 100 guests, speeches and family introductions, lots of wine, and an 8 min slide show that Jessica put together of "How Wilson Proposed".

Sun - Woke up early to get ready to head out to Rose Hills Cemetery to meet my family for the Qingming Festival. It's against Mr. Cee's religion to attend this festival since it consists of praying to our ancestors. As usual my family runs on Asian Time = 1 hr late.
My brother and grandfather are buried at the same terrace just a few steps away. The cemetery was packed w/ families to pay their respects to their ancestors. We brought tons of food, incense and paper to burn and offering to my grandfather and brother. After we finished the burning the joss paper, we all sat down and had a picnic. I know it sounds crazy to have a picnic at a cemetery but it's also a celebration. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

I was late to my next appt thanks to the late start. I had to go home pick up Mr. Cee and headed out to South Bay for a late brunch w/ a dear friend and her husband. The breakfast was yummy w/ huge portions. Sigh. I still want that waffle. After brunch, headed over to Fabric Barn to buy some ribbon for Jannie's Baby Shower, Jessica's Bridal Shower and for Amy's wedding. Wheee, I <3 shopping for ribbon.
Then met up with another friend to play some catch up and did some grocery shopping at Marukai. whew. what a wkend. I'm still recovering.
Posted by
10:04 PM
Monday, March 10, 2008
Teddy & Yoshi get their hair did
Ahhh, the sweet smell of spring is in the air. After months of the doggies walking around like sheep, it was time for Teddy's summer cut. This is Yoshi's first hair cut and I loved it. Even their stylist came out and mentioned how cute they look. Heehee!
Business on the side, party on top.
Posted by
10:32 PM
The Sandra Veil
Couple months ago, I get an email from Sandra asking about a birdcage veil referred by Joyce Luck. Omg?! Seriously? Since I didn't have a portfolio to show her, I asked her to show me some photos of what she wanted. All I could show her was my veil from the boudoir photos.

We met up in January for her to try on the veil. Plus, I wanted to make sure it fit her and she knew how to care for it and put it on. She loved it! Yay! I made the flower separate from the veil so that she can wear it alone for a different look. I decided to name it after her since it is after all HER veil.

I'm so excited. This is the first print ever. To see more, go to Tuan Ngyuen's blog. I'm still working on several. Thanks to Crissy, my biggest supporter, I'll have some more made soon.
Posted by
9:43 PM
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